About Me

Welcome! I’m Heather and so pleased to meet you!  I am the voice behind Simply Unlocking Happiness.  My main reason for starting this blog was to create a place to share my thoughts and ideas on happiness, mental health and personal development.

Holistic Nutrition, Health and wellness

I have suffered from Clinical Depression and severe anxiety for the past 15 years and happiness is not something that comes easy to me. TBH it comes very difficult and I struggle daily. Over the years, I have lost touch with countless friends, stopped doing hobbies I once enjoyed and both anxiety and depression have taken over my life more times than I can count. It was something that I never talked about, was my darkest secret and something I was ashamed of for years. Now looking back, I realize that without my struggles, I would not be where I am today. They gave me strength, drive, passion and motivation to finally figure out where I wanted to go with my life.

I created this blog as a way of sharing my journey while I figure out all the new ways to unlock happiness. Through this process, I have also discovered a passion for health and wellness. I have focused on improving aspects of my diet and after removing processed foods, refined sugars, gluten, I have noticed that my health has taken a dramatic turn for the better. I was able to successfully wean myself off of my medications (after taking the one for 15 years), and the doctors had told me I would never be able to stop taking them. That without the drugs, my body can not produce the chemical on its own.

By leading a truly holistic lifestyle you can take your health into your own hands and get out from under the stigma that doctors have placed you under. I also graduated as a Holistic Nutritionist a few years ago and am committed to sharing my passion with others and teaching others to overcome their own health struggles through the power of Health and Wellness. I currently offer 1:1 coaching and am currently working behind the scenes on a couple other offers. I also have a 7 day free meal plan that you can get here
