Winter Christmas Bucket List

Guys, Winter is officially here. Yes, Winter deserves a capital, that is not a spelling mistake. We got slammed with a snow storm a few days ago and it seems like it isn’t going away anytime soon.

Winter is a wonderful time of the year. If you are watching it from the safety of your house. Wearing comfy sweaters and drinking hot beverages.

If you have to go outside during a snowstorm. Beware. Canadian Winters can be dangerous and driving during them is no joke. Our street rarely gets plowed during the winter and at the end of our street, you can either go down a hill or go up a hill. Either way, it is a wonderfully fun experience and allow for extra time. This picture was from 2 days ago. It was positively beautiful and surprisingly warm outside. Not like the weather that will hit us in January and February. Then, it will be -40 with wind chills etc etc. Not looking forward to those days.

And god help my husband who does not have his winter tires on yet. I promised myself I would not nag, and would just tell him to drive safe and quietly hope he gets his act together soon.

So after procrastinating about writing this post because let’s face it, no one wants to admit Winter is here. But, I can’t avoid it any longer.

First, I want to update you on the fall bucket list outcomes and how that went.


This never happened. We actually did intend to go hiking, but not sure if you guys are aware, but my husband and I work opposite hours, so when I get home in the evening, he’s at work. I also work Saturday’s so when I get home it’s after 5pm and starting to get dark. So that leaves Sundays. And, TBH every Sunday was raining or we had a crap ton of chores to do. Yes, I just rambled and made excuses, I know. So, reality settled in and we never got to go hiking and I am super bummed about that. I’m sure you guys are thinking we should have done it in September, but I worked most Sundays in September. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking … I’m a workaholic. Yes, I am, and I have no regrets.

Make Something Pumpkin Spiced

Yes, I did this! For thanksgiving, I was asked to bring a dessert. I made this Pumpkin Crumble thing. It was this amazing dessert and was an absolute hit! Plus it was super easy! And I used one of my recipes from my Pinterest boards. Not sure if you guys are aware either, but I have like 5000 pins on Pinterest and have only tried like 6 recipes from there. So, this was a major win for me. Here below is an attempt of my photography skills to take a photo of this wonderful dessert I made. And, I was trying to take the photo while everyone else looked on wondering why on earth she cares so much about this photo. I hate being one of those people. Who has to whip out their phone to take a photo of their food before they eat it. But, yes, I had to suck it up and take like 6 photos to get this one all so I could have it on the blog to prove that yes I completed my bucket list item! Oh, the struggle is real… Just kidding #firstworldproblems.

Go Apple Picking

Nope. Not even going to explain this one. Just a nope.

Watch a scary movie

We did even better. We watched the TV show on Netflix Haunting of Hill House. AMAZING. We actually cried at the end and my husband asked me to clarify that no, we did not cry because it was so scary. It was just a really sad beautiful ending.

Watch a Football Game

Yes, I believe I watched a few. Over Thanksgiving and Sunday dinners. Not sure if I paid attention the whole game, as I do get distracted quite easily, but yes I was in the room when football games were being watched.

So 3/5 ain’t too bad. Here goes Winter:

Make a Snowman

I mean, if you live in Toronto area, you know that the snow we got a few days ago was PERFECT packing snow and perfect for making snowmen. I am hoping to get outside later today and get this done! Because it is not so often that we get this perfect opportunity.

Do some Christmas Baking

This is something I do every year without fail. That’s not true. I think last year I failed. Because we were moving and I just didn’t feel that Christmas spirit. But I do have quite a few tried and true recipes I do each year as well as I always try a few new ones. So I will be sure to share the ones I use. Plus, the ones I make are always super easy and don’t take too much time. Well, considering I do all my baking in one day, it might take the whole day, but it’s a yummy collection of goodies.

Watch a Christmas Movie

There are so many amazing Christmas movies on Netflix, because let’s be honest. If it isn’t on Netflix or I don’t have the DVD, I won’t watch it. So, do I go to the Classics, or watch a new one I’ve never seen before? Hmm…

Make a DIY Gift

This one is kind of cheating since I am going to be giving a bunch of DIY gifts out this year, so I may revise this to make a DIY Holiday Home Décor. That way I haven’t already planned something. And you know I am going right back to Pinterest for this one. I have tons of ideas I need an excuse to do.

Donate & Volunteer at a local food shelter

This one is something that my husband and I have been wanting to do for a really long time and not just around Christmas, but year-round. He is going to be so happy that I put this on my bucket list. Because, the idea of posting that I didn’t get to do this will make me so motivated to get it done. There are so many local places to choose from so it should be easy as well.

So there you have it! My updates on the fall bucket list and my new bucket list for the Winter/Christmas season. Hopefully I can finish these ones by the end of December, and then post a new one. Not sure what the next one should be. Do you guys have any ideas what I should do for my next bucket list? 2019 seems to long, and January seems too short. Let me know in the comments! 😊


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