From Passion to Platform: The Spark That Ignited My Blogging Journey

So I’ve decided to start blogging. I’ve been thinking about the idea for years. To be honest, I guess I have been thinking about it since grade school. I always knew I wanted to write something, and I almost went to College for journalism, but something about the list of courses involved seemed so boring, that I just couldn’t do it. I have been a fan of writing since forever. Growing up I would write countless stories for fun. I even had my own version of Chicken Soup and wrote different stories based on different topics. I would name a topic and write a story about it.

I have even written a murder mystery and I seriously wish I still had it. It was a huge novel I wrote in Grade 8 called The Curse. I had a friend edit as I went and it was over 100 pages and I’m pretty sure it took us all year long. Somewhere down the line I tried to back it up and I guess it never really got backed up properly. Of course, there was no hard copy. This was before USB’s existed of course and I think when we were using CD’s. It was after floppy disks and before USB’s. So anyways, it got lost.  I’ve also written a semi autobiography, but never quite finished it. That one I have a hard copy of, and one day will get around to finishing it.

So, I guess I’ve always loved writing but I never actually published anything as it never felt quite right. Finally, I have decided to stop waiting for it to be perfect and just launch something. I guess also, if I am being totally honest with myself I haven’t launched a blog before because it seems like it is the new craze and everyone is launching a blog. I didn’t want to do it because everyone else is doing it. I’ve never been one of those people that wants something because everyone else wants it. I like to do things because I want to do them. I’m very stubborn in that sense.

So as I feel like writing about a topic, I will. Which for me means the possibilities are endless. I love debating over current trends, psychology, neuro-science, nutrition or fitness and many more I can’t think of off the top of my head. I figure as I read about something I will post about it, since I do love to ramble. Either way I figure a blog can be a great outlet for me to share my experiences as well as I go through them. I have read so many self-help books, non-fiction and fiction and figure someone somewhere may benefit from my learned knowledge. Also, it does give a good excuse to put my web marketing and SEO skills to the test. I always love a good challenge.

Mostly I have created this blog to be an outlet for my experiences, I have also created it to hold myself accountable to have a bigger goal in mind. Eventually I would love to be able to work from home and not have to work for anyone else. I have learned so much about great leaders and what makes a great leader and the best way for me to become a great leader is of course, to lead by example. I will practice what I preach and share current weekly goals that I will try my best to follow each week and then hopefully do a post of how it turned out.

Either way, so many managers want to be leaders, but they just can’t grasp the concept and get the 2 mixed up and end up being a manager, not a leader. There are so many key differences and I honestly am sick of being told I don’t know any better because I’m still young and not experienced enough. I plan to be an influencing power that people take seriously and age should not be a factor. I will be successful and this blog is my way of taking action.

I am planning on only posting twice a month. So, you won’t see posts as often as some of the other blogs, but I just don’t want to set myself to fail. I do still have a full-time job which does tend to run overtime most days, which means I am exhausted when I come home. Still, I figure if I can get as much writing as I can done in the beginning I can set up a few posts in advance, so my twice a month may change as time goes on. Also, please comment on any topics you want to see me write about too. I’m always up for the challenge and will do research if need be.

So at first, I was going to do a lifestyle blog but then I found I wasn’t truly being honest with myself, as it didn’t feel quite right. It felt fake. It felt like I would have to post staged pictures and create this fake aura about my life, when in reality my life isn’t by any means perfect. I am clumsy, forgetful and sometimes can be downright miserable. I rarely wear makeup and am most comfortable in sweatpants and a t-shirt. I want this blog to be as accurate a reflection of my current life as possible.

There will be no staged photos and it will be as real as I am. Because happiness is here and now. It isn’t in that perfect Instagram shot, it’s in the moment and doesn’t need a picture to capture it. Sometimes, the picture is the after fact, and the pure happiness moment is missed because you are too busy trying to get the perfect shot of that latte. Just drink the darn latte and enjoy it, who cares who will see it. I went a year without posting to Instagram and no one even noticed, so remember that. If people want to know about your life, they will contact you. It shows who really matters.

Happiness is now. Don’t chase it, just enjoy it.

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